Welcome to my online classroom.
My goal in education is to "teach them where I find them." I strive to find out WHO they are, in order to teach them WHERE they need to be. I want to be both purposeful and beneficial to each student that crosses my path. I desire to inspire creative and critical thinking, mold and deepen understanding and share in the passion of learning with all of my students. In my classroom students have a chance to work above grade-level on different types of projects. Student research fuels the project-based learning in my room. I pose a question and students have to answer the question through a project by following a rubric. We have “recreated” Rome, made a small business plan, researched different types of propaganda, learned more about ourselves and our personalities in order to see what careers best fit us, and have taken a vacation on a $10,000 budget. On each project, we brainstorm, discuss, collaborate, and link it to the real world.